Thinking outside the box
The Rescue Diver course is a weird one; we spend 3 days teaching you all these skills – and yet at the same time are hoping you won’t ever have to use them.
Two types of divers generally sign up for this course: either the apprehensive diver who wants to become more secure with their abilities or, the comfortable diver wanting to expand his/her knowledge as well as be able to assist over divers in times of distress. Here in Dahab, diving is usually guided by a qualified Divemaster/Instructor so you’re pretty sure that their rescue skills are updated and practiced regularly.
But, what happens when your guide gets in to trouble? Or when you and your buddy are off diving Stoney Cove together? Or taking tanks from your 5* resort in the Maldives and doing an unguided dive? Is your Advanced Open Water qualification enough to get you out of the proverbial doo-doo? Realistically, every diver should get to Rescue diver level.
You’ll learn how to handle many common issues that could occur underwater, and your Instructor will throw in a few extra ones for good measure. The course cannot cover every possible eventuality; but it aims to give you a broad range of rescue skills and, mainly it focuses on problem recognition and prevention – what’s that old army adage? Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
Like with the Open Water course, there are confined water sessions and open water sessions, both of which can conveniently be done right out the front of the dive centre. You’ll practice things like: how to help a panicking diver, how to bring an unconscious diver to the surface and exit them, oxygen use, conducting searches and emergency management. Then, you’ll put them in to practice during realistic open water scenarios.
The Rescue Diver course assumes you have already done some form of First Aid & CPR qualification within the past 24 months, but if you haven’t – no worries, we’ll spend a day in the classroom doing the Emergency First Response course covering this.